Matches 651 to 700 of 970
# | Notes | Linked to |
651 | Littlejohn Meth. Ch.,CaldwellCo.,NC | Corpening, Jane Elizabeth (I6517)
652 | lived at R. 4, Dresden, Weakley, Tennessee | Ross, Hal Mc (I698)
653 | Lived near Mainz, germany | Setzer, Johannes Adam (I5300)
654 | lived with James Daniel Tyler after Martin E. Tyler died The 1910 Census lists Piercy C. as living with her son James Daniel and his daughter Lola C. Tyler. She started living with them when Martin Tyler died in 1891. He lived in the Tyler crossroads area and that is why Piercy C. Tyler is buried at Pine Level Baptist Church Cementary, with three of her children. She died in 1915. The marriage records show that Martin Tiler (Tyler) married Piercy C. Wood at Clinton Woods. Clinton Wood is a close neighbor of William Tyler in the 1860 and 1870 censuses. they lived in Township 11 Range 26. This is the Blue Springs and Pine Level area. | Wood, Piercy Caroline (I739)
655 | Living in Delmar, Md @ Josie & Charles Brittingham's home but died at Penninsula Regional Hospital per my mother, E. Arlene Bledsoe Martin, Scruggs, Trice. She is buried at Cape Charles, VA with Thomas Settles Bledsoe. | Farmer, Ethel Mae (I5705)
656 | Livingston Memorial | Livingston, Charles Wayne (I3907)
657 | location of death given by Stephanie Scott is Cache, Oklahoma. | Jackson, Jessie (Jess) (I242)
658 | Long Creek Memorial Baptist Cemetery | Martin, Jeanette Martha (I5039)
659 | Long Creek Memorial Baptist Cemetery | Martin, Charlie Howard (I5041)
660 | Louvisa (Louisa) was the younger sister of James Gowens's first wife Maryann. Louvisa married James after Maryann died and they had a family. | Jackson, Sarah Luvisa (I264)
661 | Lovelady, Caldwell, North Carolina, United States | Herman, Emma Clarinda (I4541)
662 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery | Heffner, William Preston (I6084)
663 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery | Sudderth, Margaret Virginia (I6735)
664 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery | Barlow, Thomas Marcus (I6818)
665 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery | Smith, Rufus (I7672)
666 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery | Hartley, Elizabeth (I7673)
667 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery | Lovins, George Wilbern (I7739)
668 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery | Barlow, William Horton (I8329)
669 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Lenoir, Caldwell, NC | Presnell, Bertha Amanda (I3706)
670 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Lenoir, Caldwell, NC | Presnell, Daniel Pinkney (I3707)
671 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Lenoir, Caldwell, NC | Suddreth, Josephene Virginia (I3708)
672 | Lower Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Lenoir, Caldwell, NC | Haigler, William Ward (I5140)
673 | Lower Creek, Caldwell, North Carolina, USA | Haigler, Waitsel H. (I1212)
674 | Lower Creek, Caldwell, North Carolina, USA | Coffey, Clarissa "Clara" (I3701)
675 | Lower Creek, Caldwell, North Carolina, USA | Haigler, Mary Elizabeth Bettie (I3702)
676 | Luther Jackson Faught was a Patrolman for the City Of Memphis, Tn | Faught, Luther Jackson (I2548)
677 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Parham, William Albert (I7595)
678 | Maiden Municipal Cemetery | Aldridge, Howard Glen (I7604)
679 | maiden name may be Amanda R. McCallinn. | Unknown, Amanda (I1353)
680 | Maine Cemetery | Parsons, Jack Leonard "Jackie" (I5321)
681 | Margaret Woodhall was heiress to Richard Woodhall of Wentworth, York, England | Woodhall, Margaret (I1092)
682 | Marriage | Family: Green Henderson Haigler / Mary Dorcas Hicks Pass (F1809)
683 | Marriage found in Caldwell County Marriage Register No. 2 1873-1893 Pt. 1 | Haigler, James Carl (I1214)
684 | Marriage solemnized by Isaac Lothrop Esq. | Family: Joseph Jackson / Rememberance Jackson (F1373)
685 | Marriage witness: Gerrit Teunisz & Tryntje Schaats | Bensing, Maritje (Mary) (I5487)
686 | Married in Old Swede Church, Wilmington, Delaware. | Pyle, Ailsie (I1685)
687 | Marry Ellen like her mother was a teacher. | Jordan, Mary Ellen (I6748)
688 | Mary Evelyn and William moved to the country after their children were grown. Their farm included land that later contained Lenoir Crossing Shopping Center, Holiday Inn, and a large portion of the Lenoir Golf Course. | Haigler, Mary Eveline (I6746)
689 | Marys Grove Cemetery, Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina | Sumter, Caroline Amanda (I5147)
690 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Adler, Michael Jay (I1440)
691 | May be Soloman? | Winscott, Solosom (I268)
692 | May be spelled Fredick | Pulley, Fredrick (I2297)
693 | May married Wilford Winn, taught school for a lifetime in Texas and Arizona. All of the family are buried in McAdoo, near their land in the community that was their home. | Butler, May (I1580)
694 | McMillan Cemetery | Jackson, George James 'Mack' (I289)
695 | Melvin Gene Butler; Service Info.: PFC US ARMY WORLD WAR II; Birth Date: 20 Jun 1914; Death Date: 2 Nov 1997; Cemetery: Arlington Memory Gardens | Butler, Melvin Gene (I2332)
696 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Richmond, Betty Christine (I8749)
697 | Memory Lawn Memorial Cemetery | Smoot, Mary Jane (Jennie) (I8814)
698 | Michael Weidner Cemetery; Find A Grave Memorial# 132731812; Record added: Jul 12, 2014; Created by: Vickie Oates Woods | Whitener, Ephraim (I7055)
699 | Michael [Propts] PROPST was born 147, 148,150 ,151 about 1785 in Lincoln County, North Carolina and died on 10 Oct 1843 in Catawba County, North Carolina146, 147,148 ,149, 150 and was buried in Grace Lutheran Church Cemetery. He was a shoemaker and farmer147 and resided on the west side of South Fork River, near Grace Church.147 He served in the military152 147, 153 His maritial status in was single154 and he was identified as Michael PROPTS 154 Michael's wife, Nancy, moved to Lincoln County, North Carolina, from Dinwiddie County, Virginia with her parents and two brothers, John and Joshua. Michael and his family lived on the west side of the South Fork River, near Grace Lutheran Church. A shoemaker by trade, he became a prosperous landowner. He served in the battle of 1812 as a private under General Jackson and Captain McLains, receiving a pension for his service (WC-2221). Michael was a shoemaker, living on west side of the south Fork River on land that Nancy's father had given her two other tracts of land. One listed Lincoln County deeds of 1805 from a John A. Wilson was 85 acres on the Catawba River for $200.0, and the other 83 acres on Allen's Creek for 50 silver dollars. Michael became very prosperous and served in the Battle of 1812 as a private under General Jackson and Captain J. McLains, receiving a pension for his service (Serial Number WC-2221). Michael's cemetery inscription at Grace Lutheran & Reformed Church Cemetery gives his death date as 25 October 1843. Michael and Nancy Angel's marriage is listed in the Lincoln County Marriage Bond, but not in Bynum's abstracts. There is no recorded will for Michael but records of the estate settlement are in the December Session of Pleas and Quarters, 1843. "...ordered by t he court that John Propst and Absolum Propst be appointed administrators of the estate of Michael Propst. Who qualified and gave bond of $3,0 00 with John Angel, James Rhoney and Jacob Burns as securities. Bond app. by Jonas Bost." In December Session 1843 "upon petition plead it is ordered by the court that John and Absolum Propst adm. of Michael Propst deceased, sell at publick sale the negroes of the said estate." In December Session, 1844, "George P. Shuford came into court and entered into as guardian of Adaline Propst, Eliza Propst, and Susanna Propst and gave bond according to law with David Robinson as security approved by t he following Justices on the bench, Joshua Wilson, Jonathon Bost, M[ajor]. Hull and Henry Cline. These were Michael's minor children. The estate was not settled until all the children came of age. Nancy's mother's will was also being probated at the same time. [Barbara Louise McCullum, Tulsa, OK, 9/22/01] | Propst, Michael (I4482)
700 | MIDDLEFORK, A FORGOTTEN COMMUNITYClay Crook"Lizard Lick USA Middlefork, A Forgotten Community" Henderson County Times Community History Series Henderson County Times May 28, 1980 Middlefork, Tennessee, is situated 10 miles south of Lexington on Highway 22A. It originally was a crossroads of the Lexington-Purdy Road (present 22A) and the Mifflin-Saltillo Road (present Middlefork-Mifflin Rd.). The community took its name from the Middle Fork Creek of the South Fork of the Forked Deer River, but is commonly known to many people as "Lizard Lick". Legend goes that the name was derived from an old salt lick in the area. The first recorded settler of Middlefork was John Crook, who arrived there in 1820 from Bedford County, TN, by land grant from the State of Tennessee. Not much else is known from 1820 to 1830, but it seemed to be a time of great growth. Some settlers, like John Crook, brought their slaves with them to help in the building of houses, other came alone and sent for their families later. Sam settlers who arrived before 1830 included Charles Riddle, Joel Hurt, James McAdmas, Silas Grider, William Arnold, Thomas Dodds, and W. H. Griswell. Many were from North Carolina but some of these founding fathers made their way over directly from Spartanburg County, South Carolina, being descended from ancient families in that state. Other names like Beaver, Carver and Seyrnour also fill the lists of Pre-1830 settlers. Another early settler was Jeremiah Hendrix, who ran a water mill near Middle Fork Creek. He also has one of the earliest tombstones in this area as he was buried in the Hendrix Graveyard on January 28, 1828. In 1834, Nichoclas Garrett and Frederick Phelps also joined the Middlefork community, both which are remembered by cemeteries that bear their names. James Ryals and Green McAdams came to the community soon after, with McAdams erecting a wool carding mill before 1850. James moss settled here also, but dies in 1843, being the earliest known grave at Old Big Springs Cemetery. As the 40's rolled into the 50's, the population continued to grow. By 1860, it included well over 800 people; and had evolved into a very pr0-Southern agriculturally minded community, with the wealthier families procuring slaves to tend the house and help in the field: there were few paid overseers there as everyone in the family took some part in making the crop. By this time it could boast several stores, two blacksmiths, V. B. Garrett and J. W.Dodds; two carpenters; J. McGraw and William Wallace; one brick mason, Millinder Cox, two school teachers, E. Anderson and M..C. Stegall; one miller, J. B. Wallace; one boot and shoe maker, Elias Stewart; one granary keeper, Joseph S. Hamilton; one Postmaster, J. S. Ross; a doctor's office and a cotton gin . And, although most clothes were made by individual families, the town included four spintress's and a seamstress. Very soon most of the male population would march off to join the army during the War Between the States, all but a few being included in the ranks of the Army of the Confederate States in order to defend their homeland. Middle Fork Creek seemed to be a dividing line in Henderson County; with most of the people north and east of it favoring the union, and those below it favoring the South. However, some decided their loyalty was still with the United States, and it caused great rifts in families. One such instance was the Meadows family, where one son, Jonas, joined the invading foe and the other son, James, joined the army of Rebellion. Both survived the War, but wouldn't speak to one another until well into their old age when they decided to bury the hatchet. Among those who sided with their Southern brethren were T. G. Crook, Wiley M. Crook, Elijah H. Crook, Joseph H. Rylas, and Henry Carver, who would give his life as early as July of 1861. Many other citizens of Middlefork also fell, such as John Nesbit, Zach Dodds, John S. Brower, and James R. Arnold, who all met their death in the Battle of Tishomingo Creek, Miss. One other, Eli Arthur Reid, was wounded at the battle, having a Union bullet glance off his skull causing an indentation large enough to set a small ball or egg in, in which he could walk across a room and it would balance perfectly. Middlefork suffered more atrocities at home from neighboring communities than it did on the battlefield. One such instance involved young Lt. James Wills Dodds, C.S.A., who was "captured and brutally murdered"; as his tombstone at Unity Cemetery will attest. On March 9, 1864, the young soldier was walking between Middlefork and Huron in his gray uniform. He was then set upon by Union sympathizers and they ravaged him by cutting off his ears, and silencing his cries by cutting out his tongue, and mutilated him in manner to be brutal. His devoted brother later found him in a thicket being devoured by hogs. In another instance Colonel Fielding Hurst of Montezuma marched from Purdy to Lexington, through Middlefork cutting off the heads of Confederate sympathizers and placing them on each of the mile markers. A small skirmish was also fought at the "Lick" in and around the present home of Mr. Earl Tignor. There were only a few boys on each side, but it ended up with the Yankees capturing a couple of the rebels guns, which they took to the blacksmith shop and proceeded to bend the barrels. The late Mr. George Arnold and a companion, having the curiosity of most young boys, took one of the weapons and managed to straighten out the barrel. They then tied it to a tree and rigged the trigger with a string to fire it, neither being willing to hold it. It fired, scaring the boys, and blowing a hole in a fencepost. Numerous stories are also told of how the air seemed to vibrate with the sound of thunder during the battle of Shiloh. One boy, wanting to join the conflict, got as far as Jack's Creek before the sounds of the guns scarred him enough to prompt him to return home, but being tired he stayed the night curled up in a hollow tree. The war finally ended; and the men then turned their attention to making a crop instead, of making war. Reconstruction was comparatively quiet except for the adventures of Hugh E. Crook, who led his vigilante group to keep law and order. This was usually done by an ominous warning, but sometimes he resorted to the noose, having at one known time hung a man at Hinson Springs, and at other times meeting out such justice to fugitives from the law as he saw fit. Source: | ROSS, James S. "Jimmie" (I9011)