My Family Genealogy

A History Of My Ross And Faught Ancestors And My Wife's Potts And Haigler / Hagler Ancestors

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
751 Oakwood Cemetery Yount, Thurman S. (I7644)
752 Oakwood Cemetery, Austin, Travis, County, Texas, USA Hagler, Maurice B (I5532)
753 Oakwood Cemetery, Cisco, Eastland County, Texas, USA Modisette, Frances Belle "Fannie" (I2863)
754 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Haigler, John Dallas "Dal" (I8948)
755 Occupation on 1830 census was listed as farm labor
Address listed on his WWI draft registration was Little (Lot or Lat) Tennessee
Registration location was Hickman, Tennessee 
Booker, Thomas Melvin (I704)
756 Old Bethel Church Cemetery Brewer, Mary Jane (I1253)
757 Old Bethel Church Cemetery Threadgill, George Washington (I8467)
758 Orpha moved from Madill to Chattanooga where he kept a ranch of milk cows. He worked a local feed co. selling and loading grain. He moved from Chattanooga to Cashe where he farmed several years, then moved to the Dalton Farm (North of Chattanooga) to run his ranching and cattle farming operation where he remained intil his health declined. He moved his family to Chattanooga and lived there intil his death. Jackson, Orpha Petway (I12)
759 ources:

1. Title: 1920 HolmesCo, FL census
Page: Roll 625-223, White Water Twp, ED 69, p 6B
Text: Colly Hatcher, son, age 13 bn FL
2. Title: 1930 HolmesCo, FL census
Page: Roll T626-318, District 5, p 125B
Text: Coley F Hatcher, son, age 23 bn FL,. parents bn FL, age 1st md 23, living w/parents Henry Hatcher
3. Title: 1910 HolmesCo, FL census
Page: Wards Mill Twp, p 49B
Text: Colie F Hatcher, son, age 4 bn FL
4. Title: Florida Death Index 1907-1969
Call Number:
Media: Book 
Hatcher, Coley F. (I668)
760 Oxford Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery Reid, Monroe Pearson (I8274)
761 Parkhill Cemetery Dunaway, Wilma Orena (I6509)
762 Parkhill Cemetery Martin, A.A. "Nig" (I6586)
763 Parkhill Cemetery Martin, Arcie Alfred "Nig" (I7613)
764 Patsey and two of her children, John and Elizabeth, died in an epidemic. Bowman, Martha Patsey (I8179)
765 Peninsula Regional Medical Center Bledsoe, Josie Mae (I5717)
766 Per 1900 Census Family: Lewis Van. Brown / Amanda Sumpter Hagler (F1643)
767 Per 1930 Census Family: James Clinton McRary / Julia Alice Haigler (F442)
768 Per Fold3

Branch: Army 1
Enlistment Date:
13 Nov 1943 1
Army Branch:
No branch assignment 1
Army Component:
Selectees (Enlisted Men) 1
Army Serial Number:
34894952 1
Enlistment Place:
Cp Croft South Carolina 1
Enlistment Term:
Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law 1 
Stewart, Calvin Rosco (I7889)
769 Physician in Ashville, NC Brown, Dr. Thomas E (I5516)
770 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Haigler, Dennis David (I5167)
771 Piney Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Goble, William D. (I7436)
772 Piney Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Lenoir, NC Martin, Pansy Lucille (I5028)
773 Piney Grove Cemetery Dula, Rome Wakefield (I5029)
774 pneumonia McRary, William Franklin "Frank" (I6278)
775 Pooveys Grove Cemetery Tolbert, Mary Anne Elizabeth (I3644)
776 Posted 04 Jan 2016 by Lena Guidry

Birth: Sep. 6, 1781
Caswell County
North Carolina, USADeath: Oct. 28, 1862
Lawrence County
Tennessee, USA
David W White was born in Caswell County, North Carolina in Sept 1781 - at the time of the Revolutionary War. His father, George White served in the North Carolina Line during the Revolution. In Nov 1804 David married Sarah "Sallie" Ponds, in Caswell County, North Carolina.
From North Carolina the family moved west to Pulaski County, Kentucky and then south into Tennessee. He settled along Sugar Creek in Lawrence County where he died in Oct 1862.
Freeman Cemetery is located on the south side of the West Fork of Sugar Creek. It is believed that the cemetery is located on land once owned by David White. John White was also an adjacent land owner to his assumed brother David. Family links: Parents: George White (1755 - 1835) Children: Moses White (1810 - 1882)* Sarah M White (1827 - 1860)* Ira D. White (1829 - 1903)* *Calculated relationship Burial: Freeman Cemetery Lawrence County Tennessee, USA GPS (lat/lon): 35.04943, -87.2509 
WHITE, David W. "Luke" (I9007)
777 Posted on

Mary's husband, "Bob, along with a few members of his Lodge (Odd Fellows) took his wife by wagon to Rockwall, Texas for burial."

Dorothy Bentley wrote: "I remember one thing in particular while talking to various members of this family, that for the duration of time Bob and Mary Jane lived in Indian Territory, she (Mary Jane) did not like it." Therefore, she requested that her family not bury her there. 
Peek, Mary Jane (I8855)
778 Precious Poarch was employed at Shuford Mill Cotton Mill. Poarch, Precious (I6488)
779 Probably died in Civil War. Lagle, Jacob B. (I7881)
780 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. McVey, Basil Lawson (I3861)
781 Recorded at New York Reformed Church Van Hussum, Frans (I5478)
782 Records of the Reformed Church of Albany NY 1683-1809 Family: Volkert Van Hussum / Maritje (Mary) Bensing (F1629)
783 records say she died at 216 Kirby, which was Samuel's house. Isbell, Mary Polly (I7297)
784 Register of Deeds. North Carolina Birth Indexes. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina State Archives. Microfilm. Source (S43)
785 Residence: William R. Jackson, a resident of New Braskey (Nebraska), made an affidavit on 6 October 1855 in Gallatin Co., Kentucky that his father, George Jackson, died on 9 April 1852 and his mother Susannah died on the 6 April 1852 and both were buried on the Banks of Missouri River and that he assisted in the burial. Jackson, William Rufus (I252)
786 Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, TX Modisette, Frank M (I2859)
787 Retired Army Major John Wesley Hatcher, Jr age 76 of 319 Stacey Weaver Drive, Fayetteville, N.C, died Friday January 3, 1992. He was a member of the DAV Chapter 46 and Masonic Lodge #667 of Spring Lake, N.C. and was a member of Village Drive Baptist Church.

Survivors are wife Clovice "Hamilton" Hatcher of Fayetteville, N.C.; Daughter Mrs Anita Sellars of Godwin, N.C.; Grandson, Brian K. Naftel of Wilson , N.C.; Granddaughter Allison Naftel of Godwin, N.C.; sister Rosalie "Hatcher" Martin of Cantonment, Fl.

Graveside services were conducted Monday, January 7, 1992 at 11 am in Fort Bragg Cemetery by the Rev. Bill Altman. Arrangements were by Highland Funeral Service and Crematory of Fayetteville. N.C.

North Carolina Death Collection, 1908-1996 Record

Name: John Wesley Hatcher Jr.
Death Date: 3 Jan 1992
Death City: Fayetteville
Death County: Cumberland
Death State: North Carolina
Death Age: 76
Burial Location: Cremation in state
Birth Date: 1 Jan 1916
Birth Location: Alabama
Residence City: Fayetteville
Residence County: Cumberland
Residence State: North Carolina
Father: Hatcher
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Social Security Number: 718077779
Institution: Veterans Hospital
Attendant: Physician 
Hatcher, John Wesley Jr. (I655)

Contributed by: Robert L. Jackson []

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"I do Hearby (hereby) Certify that Moses Jackson a soldier
from Shanidoer (Shenandoah) County hath searved (served) his tower
(tour) of duty
under Meager (Major) Walch (Welch) in Col. Edmonds(Edwards) Ridgement
(Regiment) and
Genral (General) Stephans (Stephens/Stevens) Bragade (Brigade) given
under my Hand
This 5th day of October 1781.

Silvanus O'Dell


According to Christiana Jackson' sworn statement dated 17 Aug 1836 in
Gallatin County, KY, her deceased husband, Moses Jackson, while a
resident of Shenandoah Co.Virginia did again enter the service of the
United States about the 1st of July 1781 as a volunteer and militiaman
upon a tour of three months and as a private soldier in the company of
Capt. Odell that the said company rendevoused at the court house in the
said county of Shenandoah and states also and from there marched as
as she now recollects to Winchester Virginia and ..... from Winchester
they marched on to little York and that he was there at or near about
the time that Cornwallis was taken. She further states that she is of
the opinion that he was discharged at little York. she is confident
he served out the said tour fully and faithfully as his original
discharge is now is her possession and is herewith filed with the
papers upon which she files to obtain for her a pension in behalf of
deceased husband. She further states she was married to said Jackson in
the month of ___ 1778 and further states that her husband departed this
life on __ day of May 1821. Note: Pension was issued 8th day of June

Moses Jackson 1st tour appears to be for 6 months from April to October
1780 and was stationed at Winchester during that time. 
Walters, Christiana (I257)
789 Rob graduated from Midlothian High
School in 1906. He won a scholarship to
study art in Germany and left a pictorial
legacy of his times, and a lasting impact on
all who knew him. 
Butler, Robert A. (I1578)
790 Robert Edward Lee Faught
Added by simpsonusa on 1 Dec 2007

Robert E. Lee Faught was born 9 Dec 1865 Hardeman County, Tennessee, twin brother to Bedford Forest Faught son of Samuel "Doc" Faught and Martha Massey. Robert married his first wife, Nevada Payne 13 Aug 1885 in Tipton County Tennessee. He married his second wife Annie Tabitha Foster known as “Granny Faught” 8 Sep 1898 in Tipton County Tennessee. Robert and Annie are buried in the R. H. Munford Cemetery Tipton County Covington Tennessee. Robert E. Lee Faught’s father Samuel fought for the CSA during the Civil War (C.S.A PENSION #: S6157 UNIT: 14th (Neely's) Cavalry). And when the war was over Samuel had three sons who were all named after Famous people during that time. Robert E. Lee Faught, Bedford Forest Faught, and Thomas Jefferson Faught. Robert E. Lee Faught has five older Siblings; William Avner FAUGHT, Henry JACKSON FAUGHT, Sarah Jane FAUGHT, John A. FAUGHT, Clara Emily FAUGHT.Robert Edward Lee Faught was used too big families so it was fitting he had a large family of his own, he had 14 children of his own and also took care of his own son Sam Aubrey Faught's first child Lee Alexander Faught after Sam Aubrey Faught’s first wife died the same day Lee Alexander was born and also he took care of his brother Bedford Forest Faught's son Sam F. Faught after Bedford passed away. 
Faught, Robert Edward Lee (I3414)
791 Rosamon Cemetery, Gadsden, Crockett County, Tennessee Ross, Lester Davis (I1571)
792 Rose Hill Cemetery Gunn, Jessie L. (I83)
793 Rose Hill Cemetery, Humboldt, Gibson, Tennessee Faught, Gertie Belle (I3)
794 Rose Hill Cemetery, Humboldt, Gibson, Tennessee Stagner, Geneva (I732)
795 Rose Hill Cemetery, Humboldt, Gibson, Tennessee Gunn, Billy Wayne (I8757)
796 Roster of soldiers from N.C. in the Amer. Rev. Comp. By D.A.R. of NC. Durham, NC. 1932. (12,709p.):29, 66, 110, 405, 506, 592, 623 Brinkley, William (I7171)
797 Ruptured Appendix; Buried in Tabernacle Advent Christian Churc Cemetery, Lenoir, Caldwell County, N.C. Kirby, William Riley (I6544)
798 Salem Cemetery Danner, Louisa M (I7163)
799 Samuel fought for the CSA during the Civil War (C.S.A PENSION #: S6157 UNIT: 14th (Neely's) Cavalry). And when the war was over Samuel had three sons who were all named after Famous people. Samuel Faught first joined the 1st Mississippi Partisan Rangers, that later became the 7th Mississippi Cavalry Regiment. He then joined the 14th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment and fought under General Nathan Bedford Forrest for the remainder of the Civil war. Faught, Samuel "Doc" (I1561)
800 Sardis Cemetery Hartley, George W. (I6283)

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