Notes |
- Dorthy works at a Clinic in Bullhead City
CHATTANOOGA--(Special)--Home of Mrs. Casper Fischer was the setting for a post-nuptial shower honoring Mrs. Donald Jackson, whose marriage several weeks ago recently was announced..
Mrs. Jackson is the former Miss Dorothy Schroeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Schroeder, Geronimo, while her bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Orph Jackson, Chattanooga, and the late Mr. Jackson..
Co-hostesses to the courtesy Mesdames Harry Dooley, John Black, Joe Fischer Jr., Herman Brooks, J. H. Neugebauer, Carl Fisher, Bill Watson and Elmer Adler..
Mrs. Joe Fischer was in charge of the program during which readings were presented by Linda Neugebauer and Patsy Dooley..
Pulling a toy wagon, Arnold Dale and Catherine Fischer presented gifts to the honoree..
Guests list included mother of the couple, Mesdames Jackson and Schroeder, and .... (Long guest list).
The Lawton Constitution, Friday, Aug. 31, 1956.