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Alonzo Lawson Reid marriage shows Lonso as name. Bad for drinking and threatening to kill himself. He shot his toe off one time.
Lenoir New-Topic, Wednesday, January 6, 1954 page 1
Alonzo L. Reid Passes Tuesday
Alonzo L. Reid, 50, of Lenoir, Route Nine, died at a local hospital on Tuesday afternoon after a short illness.
Funeral services will be conducted at Tabernacle Advent Christian church on Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
The body will be removed to the home of a daughter, Mrs. Lewis McVey on the Hickory road, near Whitnel on Thursday morning from Greer Funeral Home.
He was born in this county, August 22, 1903, the son of the late Lawson and Mary Duncan Reid. He was an employee of Hibriten Furniture Company.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. McVey, and Miss Lois and Lena Reid, both of Route Nine, Lenoir; two sons, Roger and Richard, both also of Route Nine; three sisters, Mrs. Jay Jackson, of Lenoir, Mrs. Ida Jackson, of Kings Creek, and Mrs. Julia Jackson of Boone; three brothers, Mon Reid and Sam Reid, both of Alexander County, and Bud Reid of Aurora, Ill., and a grandchild.
Marker has dob of Aug 22 1902, which is incorrect.
Marker picture taken on 31-Mar-2001 by Basil McVey.
He married Ruby Mae HAIGLER, married 27-Jul-1928 in
Alexander Co, NC.