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Note: It is believed the obit is wrong regarding Nora's age. Both the 1920 and 1930 census indicates she was born c1884.
Source: Obituary and Gravestone:
Funeral services were held at St. John Free Will Baptist Church Friday for Mrs. Nora Hatcher who died Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1984.
Survivors include two sons, Hamp Hatcher, of Westville, Fl. and Lester of Ponce de Leon, Fla., a daughter, Mrs. Lovie Lockamy of Bonifay, five grand children and eight grand children.
Newspaper unknown:
# Title: 1920 HolmesCo, FL census
Page: Roll 625-223, White Water Twp, ED 69, p 6B
Text: Nora Hatcher, wife, age 36 bn FL
# Title: 1930 HolmesCo, FL census
Page: Roll T626-318, District 5, p 125B
Text: Nora ? Hatcher, wife, age 46 bn FL, father bn NC, mother bn GA, age 1st md 21
# Title: 1910 HolmesCo, FL census
Page: Wards Mill Twp, p 49B
Text: Nora L Hatcher, wife, age 25 bn FL, father bn GA, mother bn FL, 2 children, 2 living
Mrs Nora Hatcher
Services were conducted at St. John Free Will Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Friday for Mrs. Nora Hatcher, 86, of Bonifay, who died Wednesday, Jan. 6. Officiating were Rev. M.L. Green. Interment in St. John Cemetery was directed by Peel Funeral Home. Pallbearers were Kenneth Harper, L.K. Commander, Leo Bowers, Harry Weimorts, Fred Weimorts, and Casper Ammons. Survivors include two sons, Hamp Hatcher of Westville, Fl. and Lester Hatcher of Ponce de Leon; a daughter, Mrs. Lovie Lockamy of Bonifay, Fl; five grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren.
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