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- This document was transcribed by Helen Marie ARNETT Danison, 4th great granddaughter of Peter Arnot, April 1998. Her note to me reads: I have tried to keep the spelling and punctuation as close to the original will as possible. It is believed that William Minnis Arnott, grandson of Peter Arnot, added the second "t" to Arnot. In my direct line, the spelling changed to Arnett with James, great grandson of Peter Arnot. Peter Arnot may have been of Scottish descent, some records state that he was. Peter's wife was Lenah (last name unknown to me) which is Dutch for Helena. Some of their children's names appear to be Dutch.
At the time of Peter's death, Goshen, Orange County, New York was, in large part, Dutch which couldaccount for the spelling of Arnot/Arnout.
in the Name of God Amen I Peter Arnout of Goshen in the County of Orange and Province of New York being weak in body but Sound in mind and Memory thanks be to God, Do make this my Last Will and testament, first I Recommend my Soul to God that gave it in all humble hopes of its future happiness and my body to be buried in a Decent manner at the Discretion of my Executors and as touching such worldly substance wherewith it has been pledged God to bless me in this world I do give and Dispose of the same in manner following, Viz. first I do give unto my Son Cornelius all that Lott No. five in the West Division of Goshen aforesaid together with my Now Dwelling house and the Land belongins thereunto to him his heirs and Assigns for Ever, wiht Liberty for a road thro the Lott Number Six to be hereafter mentioned and through my Son Jacob's Land to be a road for Ever unto my said Son Cornelius;s Lot No. five before mentioned, I Do Also Give unto my Son William two acres of bog Meadow in a Square piece on the North West Corner of My Lott Number Six unto his heirs and Assigns for Ever with Liberty to get Cedar Railes to maintain the Road on Lane before mentioned, I do also give unto my four sons Jacob, Peter, Cornelius and John all the Lott Number Six before mentioned with the Barn thereon and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging unto them their heirs and Assigns for Ever in the Manner following, My Said Son Jacob the one Equla fifth part thereof, my Said Son Peter one Equal fifth part thereof, Excepting the said two Acres of bog Meadow to my Son William before mentioned, and to my Son in law Gilbert Neal the Use of his house and the Land within fence adjoining therunto for Seven years alwasy Reserved, and in case my Said Son his heirs or assings Refuses a Road or passage Sufficient to Drive a team through for the use of my Said Son Cornelius his heirs and Assigns, in that case my said Son Jacob his heirs and Assigns is to have no share in the sid Lott Number Six anything herein Contained to the contrary thereof Notwithstanding, I do also give unto my beloved Wife Lenah my feather bed and furniture besides what goods She brought to me with the use of the Southernmost Room in my now Dwelling house and the use of a cow to be well and Sufficiently Maintained by my Said Son Cornelius his heirs Exrs., Adrs. and Assigns During her Natural Life of Widowhood, I Do Also Give unto my Daughter Lydia one cow besides the one she now has with a good feather bed, boulster, pillows, two Coverlids and flax to make one pair of Sheets, one Dutch wheel, six plates, two platters, two basons, Six spoons and six knives and forks, (I do further Order my said son Cornelius to find and provide for my said Wife a suitable horse to Ride to meeting or the Like) and all the Remaining part of my Movable Estate I Do Order Sold at the Discretion of my Executor and the money arising by Virtue of the said Sale to be Equally Divided between My four Daughters Mary, Deborah, Hannah and Lydia Shear and Shear Alike, and further I Order my Said Daughter Lydia bound apprentice to Learn the taylor's trade at teh Discretion of my Executors, and Lastly I do make and Ordain my Said Son William and my beloved Wife Executors of this my Last will and testament Sealed with my Seal and Dated this thirtieth Day of MArch Seventeen hundred and Sixty four 1764.
Peter PA Arnout
Signed, Sealed, pronounced and Declared by the testator as and for his Last Will And testment in presence of us the of & the useof a cow between the 23rd and 24th lines being first Interlined, be it also Remembered before the Executing hereof that for the Suport & Maintainance of my Said Wife & Son Cornelius untill my said(?) Son comes to age I Do give unto my Said Son the use of all my Lands with a plow, tacklin(?) and the team of horses & two cows, and a piece of cloth at the fulling mill I Do give unto My Said Wife and Daughter Lydia
Danile Hulse
Mary Hulse
Wm Donn
Orange County
Be it remembered that on the Tenth Day of June One Thousand seven Hundred and Sixty four personally came and appeared before me John Gale Surogate of the said county Daniel Hulse and Mary Hulse both of Orange County and being Duly sworn on their Written Instrument purporting to be the Will of the said Peter Arnot bearing Date the Thirtieth Day of March 1764 and heard him publish and Declare the same to be and was of sound disposing Mind and Memory to the best of their Knowledge and Belief of them the Disponents; and that Their Names dubscribed to the said Will are of theirs respective proper Hands Writing, which they subscribed as Witnesses to the said Will in their respective presence and that they the Desponents saw William Donn the other Witness to the said will subscirbe his Name there to in the Testators Presence
John Gale Surrogate
Orange County
Be it also remembered That on The Tenth Day of June 1764 William Arnot and Lenah Arnot Executor and Executrix of the Written Will of Peter Arnot likewise appeared before me the said John Gale and were duly sworn to the True Execution and Performance of the siad Will, by severally Taking the oath of an Executor as by law appointed before me.
John Gale Surrogate
Peter Arnout's Will
Probate Date 15
October 1764
Orange County