Show surnames starting with
[no surname] " ( ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
All surnames beginning with L, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Lacey (1) 2. Lael (3) 3. Laemmer (1) 4. Lagle (8) 5. Lail (15) 6. Lakey (1) 7. Lambert (1) 8. Lancelot (1) 9. Land (4) 10. Landis (2) 11. Lane (2) 12. Langley (1) 13. Lanier (2) 14. Large (2) |
15. Laura (1) 16. Lausoun (2) 17. Laux (4) 18. Lawfton (4) 19. Laws (25) 20. Lawson (1) 21. Laxton (6) 22. Leagle (1) 23. Lee (10) 24. Legore (1) 25. Lehman (1) 26. Lemmon (2) 27. Lentz (1) 28. Levin (1) |
29. Lewis (17) 30. Lillie (1) 31. Limbough (1) 32. Limpaugh (1) 33. Linberger (1) 34. Linda (1) 35. Lindley (2) 36. Lindsey (6) 37. Littlejohn (5) 38. Litton (1) 39. Livingston (6) 40. lll (1) 41. Lloyd (1) 42. Lockamy (1) |
43. locke (4) 44. Locklin (1) 45. Loeffler (2) 46. Logan (3) 47. Lohra (1) 48. Lokier (1) 49. Lord (3) 50. Lotspeich (1) 51. Louisa (1) 52. Love (11) 53. Lovelady (1) 54. Lovewell (8) 55. Lovins (7) 56. Lowman (2) |
57. Lowrance (2) 58. Lowry (1) 59. Lucas (4) 60. Lucken (2) 61. Lukens (2) 62. Luker (1) 63. Luna (1) 64. Lunceford (5) 65. Lundy (2) 66. Lutzler (1) 67. Lynn (6) |